about me!!

she / they
vietnamese - living in australia
cupioromantic (QUESTIONING) + ace + lesbian

before you follow !

semi selective fb!!! (art / anhane shippers almost guaranteed fb lmao)
i retweet a lot!
i use bro / dude / guys as a gender neutral term (tell me if that makes u uncomfy)
cursing and caps
i make kms/kys jokes (kys only w close friends/moots)
typos and keysmashes
ill probably forget who u are if u change ur username
mild nsfw jokes rarely
probably wont fb if ur acc is tsukasa / rui / ruikasa centred
please tell me if i did anything wrong / am following anyone weird!

i like MOST ships but i only ever draw / talk about my favs (anhn, mzen, emnn)
m/f vbs ships make me uncomfy, its fine if u ship them but dont talk about them to me

do not interact

if i fit ur dni but u followed first ill assume its ok to interact!! this goes both ways!!!

basic dni criteria
nsfwtwt, mcytwt, edtwt, shtwt
under 12, over 20
just dont b rude or weird and its all good
toyasaki / toyakasa shippers
people who publically hate on others for doing stuff that they like i dont wanna see that negative shit on my tl


i draw what i like! (mainly fanart and occasionally ocs)
my artstyle is really really inconsistent

reposts, pfp/header, edits, reposts personal use ok with credit and permission!!
do not trace or use it for ai (or other bad stuff idk abt)